Dinagyang 2010 on the go:
Thoughts about the fiesta
by Pepin

I would like to start by quoting Mayor Jerry Treñas’ words during the awarding ceremony, “This is the best Dinagyang in the history of Iloilo,” and I agree with him. Never in my whole life did I expect that this festival will make me proud to be a true-blooded Ilonggo. This is something that I want to impart to the world, and let everybody know about its heart-pounding drum beats, energetic dance steps, and awe-inspiring tribe stories. This is truly a unique masterpiece of Iloilo.
I prayed that 2010 will be a good start for all of us, and for a city that sits in the heart of the Philippines, blessings of bliss and pleasure overflowed as the Dinagyang Festival proved to the world that it is indeed the best tourism event in the Philippines. Now, I have come to accept that no one can ever doubt the distinction it claims, because it really is a precious cultural treasure of the country.
More excitements installed
This version of the Dinagyang opened a lot of opportunities, not only to the business sector, but also to the ingenious and talented people of Iloilo. Yes, the dance presentations of the tribes were awesome, but there were more avenues for other locals to showcase th

eir talents aside from being a part of an ati-ati tribe.
The annual Luces in the sky (fireworks competition), Tambur Trompa Martsa Musika, Miss Dinagyang Pageant and the Dressing up the Dagoy doll competition had already become anticipated events in the city, but new events, such as the long board competition, dance sports, and the folk dance competition added spice to the festival. All of these minor competitions gave a variety of talent exhibitions for local and foreign guests to witness.
Another new twist in this year’s edition of Dinagyang is the street dance competition of all the competiting tribes. Aside from their performance in the judging areas, they were also evaluated based on their dance presentation along the streets of Iloilo City, and this, I believe, was a great new way to allow spectators to enjoy and witness their favorite tribes, especially when they were not given a chance to sit in the judging areas.
The glorious nights
A glimpse of the night sky during the Luces in the sky fireworks display competition at SM City Iloilo
I had a chance to experience how to celebrate Dinagyang at night time, and I was really amused. Aside from the local actors, actresses, and renowned rock bands of the country that visited the festive city and the magical sight from the fireworks display competition, the happening that really pleased me most is the food fest. Almost all the hotels, restaurants, and catering establishments in the city collaborated to host several food fares around Iloilo. Dalan Delgado, for instance, was jam-packed with inasal stalls and ecstatic costumers. Smalleville, the famous night out destination of the city, was also overcrowded with people of different ages. Of course, beer cheers were very widespread everywhere and people really enjoyed every bit of their tipsy moments as what I have witnessed from the way they ruled the dancefloor and talked their hearts out. All of these only showed that Iloilo definitely knows how to party like a pro.
On the winners
Looking at the performance of every tribe that participated both in the Kasadyahan and Dinagyang Ati Dance contest, it was surely a difficult job for the judges to choose the ultimate champion for this year’s edition of the festival. Everyone has their own bets. I myself rooted for Tribu Kasag and Tribu Pantat for the Kasadyahan Competition, and the following tribes for the ati-ati dance contest: Pan-ay, Atub-atub, Panagat, Paghidaet, Bola-bola, Silak, and

Ilonganon. It would be a hard task for me to choose the grand champion out from my favorites because all of them raised the bar of my expectations. Every tribe was full of energy, and their actions were perfectly executed. I’ve even read a comment from my co-blogger that he experienced some difficulties everytime he takes pictures of the performers because of the rapid dance movements. He even quoted, “Taking pictures in Dinagyang is like taking photos of sports events, because of the fast-paced dance moves of tribe warriors.”
And believe me or not, none of the tribes can be tagged as a mediocre. All of them placed heavy efforts to resourcefully craft their costumes and head dresses, to perfect every step in their dance, and to fashion a new trend of Dinagyang that attracted millions of audiences and home viewers around the globe. I can whole-heartedly say that I am proud of all of them. Congratulations!
And for the grand winners, here are my reviews:
Tribu Kasag – I believe that this tribe showcased the liveliest presentation during the Kasadyahan competition. Th

ey were able to maintain their energy level from the start of their performance until the end. The audience gave them the loudest applause for their breath-taking performance.
But I’m quite disturbed about their presentation because it was just a refined version of their winning performance last year, and I thought that their 2009 entry was way even better. I am not convinced with some of their repeat concepts because it might kill their chances for the Aliwan festival this coming April 2010. Judges might also be looking for something new from this group for them to increase their chances to capture the Aliwan title fight (they placed second in the 2009 edition of Aliwan). But above all, their playful mix of drum rhythms can win their ticket to fame in the national contest.
Tribu Paghidaet – Many said that this group was indeed a tough defending champion, and they were tougher than I thought during their actual performance. They really gave a very intense competition to the other fifteen competing ati-ati tribes. This tribe was finally hailed as a grand slam champion after it captured its third consecutive crown. It had the perfect concept and choreography, and it had the most jovial music. The best thing that I like about this tribe is that I can always expect something different from it, and the dance performance did not have any dull moment. All of its performers were enjoying their dance despite the blazing heat of the sun. I am now rooting for this tribe this coming Aliwan Festival 2010.
List of winners:
Dinagyang Ati-ati Dance Contest
Grand Champion – Tribu Paghidaet
2nd Place – Tribu Bola-bola
3rd Place – Tribu Pan-ay
4th Place – Tribu Salognon
5th Place – Tribu Silak
Kasadyahan Competition
Grand Champion – Tribu Kasag from Banate, Iloilo
2nd Place – Tribu Tubong-tubong from Tubungan, Iloilo
3rd Place – Tribu Patubas from Barotac Viejo, Iloilo
4th Place – Tribu Pantat from Zarraga, Iloilo
5th Place – Tribu Mandurriaonon from Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Learning to move on
Mr. Ben Jimena, the city’s tourism and development officer, believed that Dinagyang has gone a long way. It has evolved from a si

mple street dancing into an invigorating display of stunts and colors. He even confessed that this festival is a specialty that thousands of local and foreign tourists are always looking forward to. “Foreigners have known so much of our historical landmarks and antique churches, we need to fascinate them more by showing them our culture through Dinagyang,” he added. I was not surprise of how this illustrious man thinks because I can see from his efforts that he really wants to be a part of the city’s transformation and make it become “The next big thing” by enhancing the festival and strengthening the values it ought to impart.
I believe in Mr. Jimena’s dream for Iloilo, and I admire his passion over his job. You seldom see people exercise tremendous effort to advance something or to integrate new innovations into an event that existed for several decades. I salute this man for being one of the leaders who brought Iloilo in the hall of fame.
Some stuffs to be thankful for
If there is one important person that Ilonggos should be thankful to the most, he is Sr. Sto. Niño (the Holy Child) for being the sole reason for all of these. He showered his blessings to the city and province of Iloilo by allowing the Dinagyang festival to prosper in all aspects. I believe that as long as his faithful followers in Iloilo will continue to give him praise, the dinagyang will not only be in the Philippines’ hall of fame, but a world renowned Christian celebration.
Of course, I belive that everyone who enjoyed Sunday’s event are also thankful to the City government and to all the organizers who continue to think the best for Dingyang

. To those who participated in the Kasadyahan, Dinagyang ati dance contest, and in other events during the month-long celebration are also worthy of some appreciation. Moreover, the heart-felt gratitude is also shared to the Philippine National Police, Philippine National Redcross first-aid workers, and other volunteers from the public and private sectors who secured and pacified some unhelpful elements that tried to spoil the celebration. And everyone should be thankful of the sunny weather (just perfect for the event) that gave everyone a chance to enjoy and party in the streets of Iloilo last January 23 and 24, 2010. Congratualtions to one and all!
See you all again next year for another round of blissful surprises in the 2011 Dingyang Festival!