Monday, March 28, 2011

Health Update:

Start Your Own Five O’clock Boardwalk Habit

By Pepin

Ilonggos are very much aware of how sedentary lifestyle can put them at risk of illnesses. That is why many of them head to Riverside Boardwalk (formally known as Senator Efrain B. Trenas Boulevard) as early as five in the morning to sweat out. Most of them jog back and forth on the 1.3 kilometer trail, while others participate in an aerobic session. You can see a lot of people there from various age groups picking up their pace. 

It’s a perfect spot!

What is great about the place is that you can get close to nature as you sweat out. You will be captivated with the unruffled waters of Iloilo River that glitter as the sunrise shines out, and you will feel invigorated as you pass by the huge mangroves that line at the sides. You can also spot a lot of migratory birds hopping from one branch to another, and you will get to enjoy as much fresh air as you want.

The track is clean and well-maintained by the local government. In fact, you will get fined when you are caught smoking or littering around. Before, bicycling and skateboarding were allowed inside, but due to a number of accidents, these were totally prohibited since February. Dogs are also banned within the jogging area, maybe for reasons that they poop everywhere and they can harm joggers.

Just do your thing!

Aside from doing vigorous running and other forms of exercise, you can also do other fun-filled activities, such as chatting and signing along with your group of friends, reading your favorite book, painting, taking pictures, or just simply strolling along with your family. Riverside Boardwalk is a family-oriented and child-friendly place, where you can enjoy more quality time with your loved ones outside your home. 

If you can’t get on track at 5:00 A.M., you can still set your exercise schedule at five in the afternoon. This is the most fitting time among students and professionals, who find it hard to get out of bed in the wee hours of the morning. This is a good moment to relax your body and mind after a busy day at school or at work. 

Be active for good health! 

A lot of people find it hard to exercise, especially those who are desk-bound for years. Being inactive can compromise our health. In fact, we have learned from infomercials that it can lead to several disease conditions, like heart attack, cancer, and stroke.

Before you suffer all the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, why won’t you start your own Five O’clock Boardwalk Habit? It is time to put on your Ipod or MP3, do some brisk walking or jogging, and enjoy an energizing breath of fresh air.


  1. kahilidlaw sg iloilo..

  2. iloilo will always be the best place on earth for me, no matter wat.
